2way R2XC and 3way R2XCT Solenoid Valve sub base mounting – Product Launch

R2ACT 3 vie Normalmente chiusa
R2ACT 3ways Normally Closed

R2G is proud to announce the launch of the new 2ways R2XC and 3 ways R2XCT sub base Solenoid Valves. The sub base solenoid valves are used in systems where connections are made directly into the machine or manifolds granting a compact assembly or an easy replacement without disassembly the fittings on the pipes. The solenoid valvesare available with brass body in 2 ways version (Series R2XC) and 3 ways version (Series R2XCT). The max pressure of 100bar (For the 2way) and 25bar (for the 3way) these solenoid valves are commonly used in industrial applications, automotive and professional cofee machines.

Products are available, for further information please contact us via email at:  vendite@r2g-fluidics.com or by phone at +39 338 1431375